What is Hypnotherapy? What can I expect?
It is very common for people to approach Hypnotherapy with a variety of pre-conceived and inaccurate ideas about what it it all entails. Of course, I ensure that Clients have complete understanding of, and consent to, the process before we do anything but here are a few facts to help you to put your mind at rest.
Theoretically anyone can be hypnotised but not against their will. It can only be done with your consent and co-operation. It is a collaborative process, and you will be in full control of yourself at all times. Although the terms ‘trance’ and ‘sleep’ are often heard in relation to hypnosis, you will not be asleep and certainly not be in a trance. It’s like that pleasant relaxed dream-like state when you wake up but have not opened your eyes. You know you need to get up but would rather not, so you wait for the alarm to ring. In the same way that you could simply decide to get out of bed if you want a few extra minutes to get ready, or stay there,if you’re feeling warm and comfortable, you will be completely aware, and can stop the process at any time if you wish.
Whilst you are in this pleasant state, you can use your imagination, to rehearse being in the situation within which you want to change your beliefs, actions, habits etc. You will rehearse the situation in the manner that you have agreed with the Therapist beforehand.
After some practice and guidance, you will be able to practice self-hypnosis and continue to access the incredible benefits of this very soothing process in the comfort of your own home, whenever you wish. It is a very safe and effective therapy.
It is not possible to become ‘stuck in hypnosis’ despite what you have seen in the movies. You cannot be made to say or do, anything that you would not agree to. Should a Therapist suggest something that you found to be unacceptable, you would simply open your eyes and walk away. You will of course know and agree to, what will happen in the process beforehand.
There are some conditions for which, Hypnosis is not a suitable intervention. During our first session, I will concentrate upon trying to find out exactly what the issue is (it’s sometimes not what the Client thinks it is), and devising and agreeing a treatment plan.
This is a collaborative processand it is very important that both us know and have agreed upon the Who, What, When, Where and How of the process.
Each stage will be planned, agreed and documented. You will know exactly what to expect of me and what your responsibilities are. Be assured that your conversations with me are completely confidential. I do however have a duty of care to refer your case onto suitable medical services, if I suspect that there is a credible risk to your well-being.
I will not knowingly offer services that are outside of the scope of my expertise. In some cases I will suggest that you contact services more suited to your issue than mine
My Approach
I work exclusively online. We will agree a session time and I will arrange an online session. I will send you a link byemail that will allow you to access a virtual meeting room. You will not need to install any software and the link will work on any operating system assuming that you have a reliable internet connection. Do not be concerned if you are unfamiliar with software. I will be available to talk you through any difficulties if necessary.
I will need to see cleared funds in my account before the session takes place.
It is important that you are punctual so that you do not lose time that you have paid for. I need to be as punctual for my next Client as I will be for you. So I will need to finish on time, even if we start late.
For your own security, I need to know that you are somewhere safe and secure, preferably at home. I will ask for an emergency contact number. Hypnotherapy is not dangerous but put simply I have a duty of care for you when we are having our session. Should anything happen, for example if you faint, I need to ensure that there is someone that you trust, that I can contact to help you.
What You Will Need
You will need a large screen and a good webcam. Although mobile devices are very good these days, they are not ideal for this treatment. The screens are too small, placement of the camera can be problematic, and they have a tendency to fall over. This has a detrimental effect upon the Therapeutic process. A desktop machine with a webcam, headphones and a microphone, located in a quiet room (so that you will not be disturbed or overheard) is an ideal setup. A laptop may be a good alternative.
Please try to set up your system so that the camera is at eye level and directly in front of you when you look at the screen. A tablet can be used but should be placed in a secure stand with the camera at about eye level. A small screen will make it very difficult for me to share diagrams and written materials. Likewise I cannot give therapy when you are in a public place for reasons of privacy, or when you are travelling or walking etc. both for safety reasons and because you will not be able to concentrate on what is happening, and will not therefore experience the full benefits of the therapy. The process is collaborative and you will need be able to commit to fully benefit from its benefits.